You sit there, staring at your Mac’s screen. First it’s the startup screen, then you’re waiting for Word to launch. Then you need Photoshop, so you wait for that too. You wait and wait and wait, wondering who’s the boss here. You avoid restarting your Mac because it takes so long to do so. You can’t work like this anymore.
You need your Mac to run faster! At least as fast as it was when it was new, and (if possible) even faster!
Well, you’re in luck. iHelp IT can make it run as fast as new, and maybe even much faster!
As part of our Apple tech support work, we frequently see situations where slow Macs are stealing hours of productivity from staff. Whether it’s a long startup, taking the scenic route to opening a file, being leisurely about saving documents, or the steely-eyed face off with the colourful wheel of death, it’s always a time thief.
Why is my Mac slow and what can I do about it?
The reasons for a slow Mac, and what you can do about it, boil down to 3 possibilities:
Spinning HD
Spinning hard disks slow everything down, so replacing your spinning hard disk with a solid state disk (SSD) will speed up everything.
Bloated Software
Often slow-downs are due to software; old, bloated, unneeded. Updates may fix problems, but sometimes a rebuild is needed.
Corrupt Data
A slowdown which occurs during a specific task can be elusive to locate, and will take time to resolve. Once the cause is found the slow-down can be fixed.
The best way to speed up your Mac: SSD upgrade
iHelp IT can replace the existing hard disk in your Mac with a new solid-state disk (SSD). An SSD has no moving parts, so the process of getting data to and from the disk is really fast. Everything runs faster!
Best of all, prices are coming down down down for SSDs:
- 1 TB SSDs can be had for around $250
- 500 GB units will cost a measly $150
- 250 GB SSDs are around $90!
The total price will vary depending on how much storage you want, and your Mac model, but we guarantee to breath new life into your Mac.
Take advantage over a holiday
The best time to upgrade to SSD is when you’ve got less work to do. Call iHelp IT today on 02 8213 4225 or send us an email at info@ihelpit.com.au, telling us your iMac serial number and current storage used, and we will quote on upgrading you to SSD.