When you hear the word “hero” images spring to mind of capes and daring rescue.
Usually a super hero appears during some calamity, often wearing lycra, sometimes in lurid colours, and invariably handsome. These heroes are needed when extraordinary things fail, and are only in the movies.
More realistically, a regularhero might be the fireman who saves you from a burning building, or the little girl who spotted your missing cat 3 doors down from her house, or the off-duty the park ranger who just happens to be driving along the beach after you’ve (almost) wrecked the family LandCruiser and are in need of 2 spare tyres – which he just happens to have!
Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, and often just in the nick of time.
But what if a hero appears early?
Wouldn’t it be great if the hero turned up well beforeyou got into trouble? Imagine you leave your house and your hero is there waiting for you, telling you that you forgot your wallet beforeyou’re at the station waiting for the train, fumbling for your Opal card.
How awesome is a a pre-hero!
At iHelp IT, we don’t wear capes, and we most definitely don’t look good in lycra, but we can tell ahead of timeif there are certain problems with your Macs, including your server.
iCare is the pre-hero you need
Our iCare managed services product (MSP) includes advanced monitoring, which sends us alerts regarding a range of problems:
- Hard disk failing
- Memory (RAM) is having errors
- macOS is crashing
- Backups aren’t happening
We can take action before things get worse and your work is impacted, and well beforeyou lose any data.
And the best bit is…
iCare is more than monitoring; it’s fixing too! iCare includes support for most of the problems your Mac may have, day to day. If you can’t print, if your network is down, or your Mac just won’t boot! iCare is a complete managed services product (MSP) where we do all the heavy lifting.
So, if your Macs are an essential part of your business, and you rely on Apple and Mac support, then Contact us todayto find out how iCare can save you!